The Live Snap Love Blog
Step by Step Guide to Planning Your Photography Goals
One of the things I hear time and time again is that many people feel overwhelmed with everything there is to learn in photography, and that they feel like they are running around in twenty different directions trying to learn it all. I remember EXACTLY how that felt, and I want to see if I can help you avoid it!
One thing that can REALLY help with overwhelm is creating photography goals.
Photography goals are just as they sound - they are the things you want to be able to do by a certain time point. You assess where you are right now, and what steps you need to take to reach your goal. This helps avoid overwhelm and that feeling of trying to learn everything at once, since you are going to following a plan, not randomly checking blog posts and hoping it somehow all comes together :)
You know the saying, a goal without a plan is just a wish, so in this post, we are going to get super focused on planning your photography goals for the next six months - looking at where you are now, where you want to go, and what steps you need to take to get you there.
My hope is that you follow the steps laid out, and put them into action so you can make next year your best photography year yet!
Grab your wine, weβre going in...
Case Study: Auto to Awesome student Katie Lynn
One of the BEST things about teaching people photography is simply the impact it can have on your students, and the images they take.
Seriously, nothing makes me feel happier than when I get an email from a student saying how much more confident they feel after taking one of my courses, or how it is all coming together for them, or when I see a student on Facebook or Instagram and they are simply rocking their camera.
A few weeks ago, I was on Instagram and viewing some of the images posted by my students, when a few caught my eye. They were from the same photographer, Katie Lynn, and I was blown away by how amazing they were. I was even happier when I learnt that she shoots with what some would call βbasicβ gear - an entry level camera with a crop sensor and the kit lens - absolute, 100% proof that you honestly donβt need the most expensive gear to make great photographs!
So I asked Katie Lynn if she would do a case study for me, because I really wanted you to see the impact learning your camera can make on your images, and how it can improve your skills and images SO much more than getting the latest lens or a new set of actions.
Iβve done a few case studies on the blog (Iβve linked to them at the bottom of this post if you would like to read more!) as I love seeing the journeys of photographers, but this is the first time I have had a student do this so I am extra delighted to have Katie here!
Take it away, Katieβ¦.
Gift Ideas For Photographers: The Ultimate List
Itβs getting to be that most magical time of the year: the time when you might be allowed to get your hands on some new photography loot!
To help you with some ideas of what to put on your own wish list, or what to give a photographer friend or family member, here are some ideas that I know you would love to receive in your stocking this year.
Pin it or share it with your family so they know what they can get you!
4 Tips For Photographing Halloween
With Halloween just around the corner, I thought I'd pop in to give you some tips for getting the best pictures you can during this fun holiday!
This is one time where I think I have as much fun capturing the event as other people have in taking part :)
Why do my images look blurry?
We've all had it, images where our subject looks soft, and out of focus and we wonder where the heck it has all gone wrong!
There can be several reasons why your images aren't looking as tack sharp as we want them to be, and (luckily!) few things we can do to make it better.
So here are THREE things to check if you feel you are constantly getting soft or out of focus images. Of course, there are a other involved in getting a tack sharp images, but chances are if your images aren't as sharp as you want them to be, it's one of these :)
5 Ways to Capture the Ages & Stages of Your Kids
When I first started my photography journey many years ago, my whole reason for picking up my camera was to ensure that I could capture all the things that made my son special . It's amazing just how quickly it all changes, and before you know it they have moved onto the next "phase" of their own journey - and you blinked and missed it :)
When you are in the thick of the daily grind, it can sometimes be hard to stop and think about what's important to capture. So today, I'm giving you five different things you can capture so that you can document this current "stage" of your children.
4 Ways Shadows Can Add Impact to Your Photos
I used to be terrified of shadows when I was taking pictures! I wanted the image to be as shadow free as possible, because dealing with the shadows are where they were falling on my subject was a nightmare I wasn't ready to contend with.
But once you have got to grips with the basics of your camera, introducing shadows is an amazing way to make your images more engaging.
Here's four reasons why shadows can add impact to your photos, and why you should start to try to incorporate them today!
Photography Project for Fall: The Fall Scavenger Hunt
Welcome back for another creative challenge! If you are new to the blog, every month for 2017 I will be posting a creative exercise / mini photography project for you to do. So if you like the idea of a monthly flex of your photography muscles, come back on the first Tuesday of every month for your assignment.
Yup. we've got another Scavenger Hunt, but this time for Fall. Now, this wasn't what I had originally had planned, but because I had so many people request it, via email and in our Facebook Group, I like to give you what you want!
As per the Summer Scavenger Hunt, you've got a downloadable list of prompts, and all you need to do is go out is simply go out and capture what is on the list.
3 Reasons You Should Be Shooting in Manual Mode (and not Aperture Priority Mode!)
You have no doubt heard, time and time again, that you should learn how to shoot in manual mode if you want to improve your photography skills - so many times that I bet you are probably sick of hearing it!)
But exactly WHY is it so darn important?
Well, that's exactly what we are going to dive into in this blog post :-)
4 Tips for Keeping Up When Shooting in Manual Mode
One question pops up time and time again when people first consider moving to manual mode, which is:
"How on earth do I keep up with changing my settings when shooting in manual mode, and my kids are running about all over the place?!"
I hear ya!
It is a little bit more tricky to be sure, so in this post I'm going to give you a few tips that will hopefully help make the process of keeping up when shooting in manual mode just that little bit easier.
4 Reasons To Get Exposure Right In Camera
In my free Facebook Group the other day, someone asked a question that I know pretty much everyone thinks when they are first starting out (myself included!) which was:
βWhy do I need to worry about getting the exposure right in camera, when I can fix it in Lightroom / Photoshop / Post Processing?"
Such a great question! And it's true, with digital photography, we are very lucky to be able to fix a vast amount of mistakes in editing software, and exposure is definitley one of them.
But there are few reasons why you will want to at least attempt to get exposure as close as possible to being correct in camera, and that my friends, is what we are going to go over today!
5 Myths about Learning Photography You Should Ignore
Hands up if you'e ever thought to yourself.....
"oh, well, that person shoots with a professional grade camera, that means I need to invest in gear to get good photos"
"Well, this photographer I met in the park only shoots in AUTO so I don't need to bother to learn manual mode"
or even
"I can learn this all by searching Google - it knows everything" (π)
Did you put your hand up? Yes? Well, don't worry, a few years ago I would have been right along with you!
That's why today weβre talking about all the myths that people believe about learning photography - and why you should ignore them!
Photography Case Study : Audrey Ann of Live Snap Love
Yes, it's time for me to share my photography journey with you!
I realised that I have all these wonderful guests on the blog, sharing their stories, and I've never really shared mine. So, I've taken the exact same questions I ask everyone else, and answered them!
Yep, I sat there and spoke to myself.
It was worryingly pleasant.
7 Actionable Tips For New Photographers To Improve Your Images Today
Learning photography is so much fun, but it can also be hard work! There is so much to learn and take on board, that it can feel a little overwhelming.
In this post, I'm going to give you just seven quick tips that you can take action on TODAY that will help give you better photos. So, for each tip, you also have an action item - there's no sitting around being an armchair photographer here π
Ready? Let's get stuck in!
Beginners Photography Tutorial: Your Guide to the Exposure Triangle
Today we are going to go right back to the very beginning for any brand new photographers out there, and lay open the foundations of capturing an image - exposure.
Weβll look at what exposure is, what the three elements are that allow us to control it, and finally how they all work together in something called the Exposure Triangle.
This is literally Step 1 in learning photography (and in fact is the very first lesson in my Auto to Awesome course!) but although it's fundamental, it can be anything but easy to grasp! So it might take a few read throughs before it starts to make much sense if this is your first time learning about it, but don't worry, it does get easier as you move on π
So without further ado, let's get crackin'!