5 Simple Ways to Grow Your Newborn Photography Business

Have you ever considered starting a newborn photography business, but just aren't sure how you would get enough clients?

Or perhaps you already are in business but are finding it difficult to grow and get enough sales?

Then today is your lucky day!  I've asked Erin from the fabulous Sixth Bloom blog to give some tips on how to make your newborn photography business a successful one. Over to Erin! 

Photography Business Tips | Newborn Photography

1.     Be Authentic

Most importantly be YOU.  Be you in your personality, be you in your business and be you in your art. 

What I mean by that is don’t compare yourself to others.  Don’t compare your personality or your art.  Be You.  Your clients will notice this …how?  You will be more confident in your work, your art and your business. 

Confidence comes through being You.  When you constantly compare yourself to others this breaks down your confidence and will weaken your business.  Which then will become a business like anyone can have, don’t be “anyone” be YOU!

2.     Be Social

Yes.  Social. I know we feel like how can we be anymore social?  Yet in the day in age we live in you have to be.  I encourage the photographers that I mentor/coach to find the top three social platforms that your ideal audience is on.  So whether that is Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest then be social on those three and let the other platforms be “gravy”!  Think about where your new moms are and where they are socially active.  This is where you want to be and put yourself out there.  If it’s a platform that you aren’t comfortable with or knowledgeable in, then get busy learning how to use the platform properly. 

Being social is an avenue of marketing.   Don’t always post your work.  Post articles that your clients or potential clients will find helpful. i.e. a birth story, a new prop you have seen and would like to purchase, an article on bringing baby home, maybe an article for new moms or dads.  Find other content that benefits your audience and validates what you do!  Share!  Being Social isn’t always about you and your business, share others articles and content.

3.     Be Friendly

Think about others and be friendly. When someone is expecting send them a message via a social platform congratulating them.  Don’t even mention your services, unless they have no clue you provide this service!  Reaching out in a non business friendly way can make an impact.  Maybe not an immediate impact where they book right away, but if you are sincere they will remember this and remember you.   It maybe the next child they have or simply they mention you to a friend who is also expecting.  It will have a ripple affect like a wave, believe me!

4.     Be Giving

Have you considered giving a session away?  Yes I said giving.  If you know someone that is expecting that IS YOUR IDEAL CLIENT.  Consider giving them a mini newborn session as a baby gift!  Give them an option to upgrade to a full newborn session or even upgrade to a lifestyle family session.  Chances are they will upgrade from the mini and you’ve gained a new client, more revenue and they more than likely have friends that are expecting as well!!!  Boom you’ve just gained lots of new clients!

5.     Be Creative

Here are few ways to be creative with growing your business that will hopefully spark some ideas on your part!

  • Consider implementing a referral program

  • Consider partnering with a Mommy and Me Group, OBYN office, Hospital, Birthing Center, Local play groups to offer promotions through these organizations

  • Consider partnering with an upscale boutique to offer sessions or to place some of your art work in as a way of marketing.

  • You’ll get even more ideas in the The Photography Biz Start Up Kit too!

Hi I’m Erin a Southern mama from South Mississippi, owner and chief editor of Sixth Bloom a blog helping mom-tographers capture their kiddos and life, talking all things home, parenting and how we navigate through life. You will find me living life to the fullest with my mister (aka husband) and our little one year old, Miss Elle, in our 500+ sq foot cottage as we build our dream house on our two acres!  We are blessed beyond measure, love to travel, involved in ministry at our church and in between all of that I run three successful businesses!